Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Today's post is short n' sweet as I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my BPC! I have overcome what I think is the hurdle in this whole process, the prep, and am ready to cleanse!

It's 10:40 am and I am hungry because I am being patient and waiting for my cleanse to get here to start. BP says you can munch on some fruits while you wait for it to be delivered, and I was prepared to do that but so far--like last time--I haven't found the need to do so. I am taking an early lunch at work so I can go home and get everything situated and take down my first of MANY (12 to be exact) green juices. When I first did the cleanse I was scared of the green juice because I had read way too many reviews...but I honestly love it. I can taste the green and the healthy and that's why I am doing this cleanse in the first place.

I am super looking forward to the Cashew Milk. I don't know how something that delicious is on this cleanse, but it is.

Follow along with me on Instagram: @gabbearr & Twitter: @GabBearr for the latest pictures and updates!

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