Monday, July 22, 2013

note to self

Note to self: Preparing for the cleanse is actually harder than actually doing the cleanse. 

Happy Monday everyone, I hope y’all had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend, I know I did!
My cleanse starts tomorrow which means I have been prepping for the past few days. Ok, yes I cheated on the first day but it was totally worth it and I didn’t do too much damage.

Blue Print will send you an email with some instructions on the cleanse but also on how to prepare as well. The summary of the email is to start phasing out caffeine, sugar, meat and the dairy. Yeah guys, cutting all of this out at one time is hard and the first time I did this I went completely cold turkey and I struggled, so this time I actually PHASED OUT these items. On my first day I had a ton of fruit for breakfast, a green juice for lunch and then OOPS Dinosaur BBQ for dinner…sorry, not sorry. On Sunday I kept it simple with green juice, a “Hippie Shake” from Breathe Yoga, a shot of wheat-grass for lunch and then a kale smoothie for dinner. I sprinkled in some fruits and maybe a bite of chocolate. Today is my last day of prep and I have had some watermelon and blueberries along with a green juice for breakfast. I have a salad planned for lunch and then my Berry Blend smoothie for dinner!

I say that the prep is harder than the actual cleanse because the initial pull of caffeine from my every day is a tough one, but I haven’t been taking in as much as I used to so it has helped. I’m also pretty sure I could eat a little bit more than I do or look into how I can round out these prep days to give me all the vitamins and nutrients I need. The cleanse is packed with all the good stuff my body needs to be awesome so the minute I start to cleanse I know I will feel better!

Stay tuned for my cleanse updates! You can follow me on Twitter: @GabBearr or Instagram: @gabbearr for a stream of my experience!

Have you ever cleansed? Thought about cleansing? What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to try a cleanse but can't afford to purchase a little helper guide which is what I need. I also feel like if I can do a cleanse why not just eat healthy instead of cutting out is just so difficult!

    Amanda Rose
